Center Cares 2021 — Center for Financial Planning, Inc.

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The Center’s Charitable Committee 2021 Highlights

  • The Center Team volunteered with Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan to provide Personal Finance Zoom classes to high school students at the Randolph Career and Technical Center in Detroit. Over 8 weeks we covered topics included Employment & Income, Budgeting, Savings, Credit & Debit, Consumer Protection, Risk Management and Investing. Our team looks forward to volunteering again in 2022!

  • The Final Four 'Stocks': A Center Spin-Off Competition

  • Jaclyn Jackson, Kali Hassinger and Kelsey Arvai participated in the 2020-2021 Impact 100 event. 2 local nonprofits received $100,000 each. Jaclyn served on the membership committee while Kali and Kelsey assisted with nonprofit financial accounting reviews.

  • Shatara King, Laurie Renchik and Jeanette LoPiccolo participated in the fundraising walk for the Autism Alliance of Michigan at the Detroit Zoo.

  • Bob Ingram, Kelsey Arvai and Jeanette LoPiccolo participated in the Royal Oak fundraising walk for Gilda’s Club.

  • Nick Boguth, Laurie Renchik, Luke Renchik, Mallory Hunt and Angie Palacios participated in the Swing for the Cure golf outing fundraiser. Our team donated over $1,000 toward Cancer Prevention, Treatment and Cure related nonprofits.

  • Kelsey Arvai, Luke Renchik, Shatara King and Jeanette LoPiccolo donated kitten and cat food to the Ferndale Cat Shelter.

  • Sandy Adams, Gerri Harmer and Jeanette LoPiccolo participated in the Brighton Walk to End Alzheimer’s fundraiser.

  • The Center sponsored the Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings (DCWS) Holiday Brass concert in December.

  • The Center held our annual Toy Drive in partnership with the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. As always, we’re proud to be a part of this nationwide campaign!

Autism Walk, Aug 2021

Gilda’s Club Walk, Sept 2021

Swing Fore the Cure, Sept 2021

Alzheimer’s Walk, Oct 2021

We supported these local organizations:


We supported these national organizations:


Raymond James is not affiliated with any of the organizations mentioned above.