Maximizing your 401k Contributions: Nuances to Save you Money — Center for Financial Planning, Inc.

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Maximizing your 401k Contributions: Nuances to Save you Money

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When starting a career, we are always told to contribute at least the minimum needed to get the full company match in our 401k (typically between 4% and 8%, depending on how your plan is structured). “Never throw away free money!” is a phrase we use quite often with children of clients who are starting that first job out of college.

But what about those who are well established in their career and fully maximizing 401k contributions ($22,500 for 2023, $29,000 if you are over the age of 50)? They should not have to worry about not receiving their full employer match, right? Well, depending on how your 401k plan is structured at work, the answer is yes! 

Let me provide an example to explain what I am referring to:
Let’s say Heather (age 54) earns a salary of $325,000 and elects to contribute 18% of her salary to her 401k. Because Heather has elected to contribute a percentage of her salary to her 401k instead of a set dollar figure, she will max out her contributions ($29,000) by the end of June each year. Let us also assume that Heather receives a 5% employer match on her 401k – this translates into $16,250/yr ($325,000 x 5%). If Heather does not have what is known as a “true up” feature within her plan, her employer will stop making matching contributions on her behalf halfway through the year – the point at which she maxed out for the year and contributions stopped. In this hypothetical example, not having the “true up” feature would cost Heather over $8,000 in matching dollars for the year!

So, how can you ensure you receive the matching dollars you are fully entitled to within your 401k? 
The first step I recommend is reaching out to your benefits director or 401k plan provider and asking them if your plan offers the “true up” feature. If it does, you are in the clear – regardless of when you max out for the year with your contributions, you will be receiving the full company match you are entitled to. 

If your plan does not offer the “true up” feature and you plan on maximizing your 401k contributions for the year, I would strongly suggest electing to defer a dollar amount instead of a percentage of your salary. For example, if you are over 50, plan on contributing $29,000 to your 401k this year, and if you are paid bi-weekly, elect to defer $1,115.38 every pay period ($1,115.38 x 26 pay periods = $29,000). Doing so will ensure you maximize your benefit by the end of December and not end up like Heather, who maxes out by the end of June and potentially loses out on significant matching dollars.  

Subtle nuances such as the “true up” 401k feature exist all around us in financial planning, and they can potentially have a large impact on the long-term success of your overall financial game plan. If you have questions on how to best utilize your employer’s 401k or retirement savings vehicle, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for guidance. 

Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, RICP®, is a Partner and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® Nick specializes in tax-efficient retirement income and distribution planning for clients and serves as a trusted source for local and national media publications, including WXYZ, PBS, CNBC, MSN Money, Financial Planning Magazine and

Examples are hypothetical and are not representative of every employer's retirement plan. Not all employers offer matching 401(k) contributions. Please contact your employer's benefits department or retirement plan provider for terms on potential matching contributions.

Any opinions are those of Nick Defenthaler, CFP®, RICP® and not necessarily those of Raymond James. Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc.
