Social Security

File & Suspend: The Best Kept Social Security Secret?

 The other day, one of our associates was on the phone with the Social Security Administration (SSA). When asked about the “File & Suspend” strategy, the SSA staffer said he hadn’t heard about it “yet”. Not exactly encouraging since “File & Suspend” has been around since about 2000. More than a decade later, this highly effective social security retirement benefit strategy is still considered new and obviously causing confusion.

To recap, this strategy is designed to help a married couple maximize their combined social security retirement benefits.  One of the spouses, the higher earner, will “file & suspend” at full retirement age which allows the lower earner (or one with no earnings record) to begin receiving spousal benefits.  Additionally, the higher wage earner will receive delayed retirement credits from full retirement age until the age of 70, which can have a significant impact in maximizing the couple’s combined benefits. (See Julie Hall’s October 31, 2012 blog post One Social Security Strategy Too Many Married Couples Miss).

Once a couple decides to implement this strategy

It's time to deal with the Social Security Administration. 

We have not had a client file and suspend using the SSA’s online process.  While this may be possible, because of the importance on getting this correct and the apparent confusion involved, we suggest visiting the SSA in person if possible.  Obviously this requires more of a time commitment on your behalf, but may ensure that the application gets processed correctly. Additionally, both couples can attend together to take care of both their applications. A client recently shared their experience and stated that they were glad that they went in person. The visit took an hour and a half with their cooperative SSA staffer (even though this was the staffers first time completing a “file & suspend” request). 

What needs to be communicated to the Social Security Administration at your meeting? 

It is important to note that there is nothing on the application that asks if you want to suspend your benefits to earn delayed retirement credits, thus the general confusion even for SSA staffers. It is important to put a statement in the “remarks” section of the application stating, "I want to voluntary suspend all benefits in order to earn delayed retirement credits”. This is critical because voluntary suspension can only be requested if benefits have not yet been paid for the month. 

What might the conversation actually sound like?  Let’s use Bob and Mary Smith as an example: 

Bob: “I have reached full retirement age.  I would like to file for social security and suspend my benefits immediately so that I do not receive any payments and earn delayed retirement credits.”

Mary: “Once my husband Bob files and suspends his benefits, I would like to file for my spousal benefits, please,” (while using “please” may or may not help, I trust you agree that is a good thing). 

Last, but certainly not least, ask to get a photocopy of the application for your own records. 

Please use us a resource for all of your social security retirement needs.  Social security retirement benefits can play an important role in your overall retirement success and we’d enjoy helping you maximize your benefits.

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When Should You Take Social Security?

 Baby boomers, on average, are living longer than any previous generation.  While that’s good news, it also presents new challenges. 

    1)  A longer life increases the likelihood that you’ll have increased medical and long-term care expenses.
    2)  The value of your nest egg will be more significantly impacted by increases in the cost of living over a longer term 

When you consider these factors, it’s more important than ever to make calculated decisions about when to begin drawing Social Security benefits within the context of your overall retirement income plan.  

According to the Social Security Administration, 74% of retired Americans drawing retirement benefits are receiving permanently reduced amounts.  Reduced benefits are the result of filing when you first become eligible for benefits at age 62.  Social Security rules are built around full retirement age (FRA), which is the age at which you are entitled to your full retirement benefit or Primary Insurance Amount (PIA).  

The reason the PIA is an important number to know is because it is the base amount on which:

• Reductions will be made
• Increases given or
• On which spousal benefits are determined  

Eligible Americans who turn 62 this year must wait until age 66 to begin receiving full payments.  But they can receive smaller payments beginning as soon as age 62, or larger lifetime payments beginning as late as age 70.  The net effect of filing at age 62 will be a 25% permanent reduction of annual benefits.  On the other hand, those waiting until age 70 will see their benefit bumped up by 8% for every year they wait to file from age 66 to age 70. That’s a permanent 132% increase in benefit amount for life!   

Here is a hypothetical example illustrating how the math works: 

If Boomer Betsy decides to apply at age 62, or waits until FRA of 66, or delays to age 70.  Boomer Betsy’s PIA is $2,230. 

Age 62: Benefit amount is permanently reduced by 25% from $2230 to $1672    

Age 66: Full retirement age benefit of $2230

Age 70: Benefit increases 8% per year from age 66 to 70 increasing from $2230 to $2943 

Of course, there’s no telling how many years you will be collecting benefits but with careful planning, a strategy can be developed to improve potential lifetime benefits of Social Security by structuring the benefits to begin at optimal times based on your financial plan.

Have a social security question?  Send me an email.

Click Here to get information on our upcoming seminar on Social Security Planning.

The information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or complete.  Any opinions are those of Center for Financial Planning, Inc., and not necessarily those of RJFS or Raymond James.