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Andrew O'Laughlin

Highlighting a Center Service Value

Andrew O’Laughlin Contributed by: Andrew O’Laughlin, CFP®, MBA

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Here at The Center, we focus a lot on our Values! Most commonly, you’ll hear us talking about the Core Values that are near and dear to us as a company. You’re probably already familiar with those if you’ve seen our CENTER acronym, which we use to easily remember them.

  • Commitment to the Financial Planning Process

  • Education & Personal Growth

  • Nice & Kind

  • Teamwork & Collaboration

  • Energy & Enthusiasm

  • Real & Down to Earth

These Values are central to our company’s culture and a big part of why The Center is such a special place to work. 

Less commonly talked about but also essential to the day-to-day work we do for our clients is a set of guiding commitments and values that we refer to as our Service Values. Our Service Values guide how we provide service The Center Way and are designed so that everyone who comes into contact with The Center sees, feels, and hears the difference in working with us.   

Without delving too deeply into all of our Service Values, the purpose of this short blog is to highlight one that I believe makes a very positive difference for our work environment and, therefore, for the clients we serve as a team.

I present to you our Service Value #6: “Treating colleagues as internal clients - providing the same courtesy as shown to external clients.”

This Service Value made a big impression on me when I first joined The Center. It really sets a tone of respect, kindness, and support for colleagues and is a big driver of our distinctively collaborative team environment. It’s great to come to work every day in that sort of environment! Helping hands abound when a colleague needs assistance.

What does this Service Value mean for our clients?

For each interaction you have with an individual from The Center, know that an entire team of supportive, engaged, and caring colleagues is working together and collaborating behind the scenes with that individual, guided by this shared value and commitment.

Andrew O’Laughlin, CFP®, MBA; is the Director of Client Services at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He has the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification.

The foregoing information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but we do not guarantee that it is accurate or complete, it is not a statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision, and it does not constitute a recommendation. Any opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of Raymond James.

Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services offered through Center for Financial Planning, Inc. Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® is not a registered broker/dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services.


Important Information for Tax Season 2024

Andrew O’Laughlin Contributed by: Andrew O’Laughlin, CFP®, MBA

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As we prepare for tax season, we want to keep you apprised of when you can expect to receive your tax documentation from Raymond James.

2024 Form 1099 Mailing Schedule

  • January 31 – Mailing of Form 1099-Q and Retirement Tax Packages.

  • February 15 – Mailing of original Form 1099s.

  • February 28 – Begin mailing delayed and amended Form 1099s.

  • March 15 – Final mailing of any remaining delayed original Form 1099s.

Additional Important Information

Delayed Form 1099s

In an effort to capture delayed data on original Form 1099s, the IRS allows custodians (including Raymond James) to extend the mailing date until March 15, 2025, for clients who hold particular investments or who have had specific taxable events occur. Examples of delayed information include:

  • Income reallocation related to mutual funds, real estate investment, unit investment, grantor and royalty trusts, as well as holding company depositary receipts.

  • Processing of original issue discount and mortgage-backed bonds.

  • Expected cost basis adjustments including, but not limited to, accounts holding certain types of fixed income securities and options.

If you do have a delayed Form 1099, we may be able to generate a preliminary statement for you for informational purposes only, as the form is subject to change.

Amended Form 1099s

Even after delaying your Form 1099, please be aware that adjustments to your Form 1099 are still possible. Raymond James is required by the IRS to produce an amended Form 1099 if notice of such an adjustment is received after the original Form 1099 has been produced. There is no cutoff or deadline for amended Form 1099 statements. The following are some examples of reasons for amended Form 1099s:

  • Income reallocation.

  • Adjustments to cost basis (due to the Economic Stabilization Act of 2008).

  • Changes made by mutual fund companies related to foreign withholding.

  • Tax-exempt payments subject to alternative minimum tax.

  • Any portion of distributions derived from U.S. Treasury obligations.

What Can You Do?

You should consider talking to your tax professional about whether it makes sense to file an extension with the IRS to give you additional time to file your tax return, particularly if you held any of the aforementioned securities during 2024.

If you receive an amended Form 1099 after you have already filed your tax return, you should consult with your tax professional about the requirements to re-file based on your individual tax circumstances.

And Don’t Forget…

As you complete your taxes for this year, a copy of your tax return is one of the most powerful financial planning information tools we have. Whenever possible, we request that you send a copy of your return to your financial planner, associate financial planner, or client service associate upon filing. Thank you for your assistance in providing this information, which enhances our services to you.

We hope you find this additional information helpful. Please call us if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming tax season.

Andrew O’Laughlin, CFP®, MBA; is the Director of Client Services at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He has the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification.

Please note, changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time and could substantially impact your situation. Raymond James financial advisors do not render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.


Important Information for Tax Season 2023

Andrew O’Laughlin Contributed by: Andrew O’Laughlin

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As we prepare for tax season, we want to keep you apprised of when you can expect to receive your tax documentation from Raymond James.

2023 Form 1099 Mailing Schedule

  • January 31 – Mailing of Form 1099-Q and Retirement Tax Packages.

  • February 15 – Mailing of original Form 1099s.

  • February 28 – Begin mailing delayed and amended Form 1099s.

  • March 15 – Final mailing of any remaining delayed original Form 1099s.

Additional Important Information

Delayed Form 1099s

In an effort to capture delayed data on original Form 1099s, the IRS allows custodians (including Raymond James) to extend the mailing date until March 15, 2024, for clients who hold particular investments or who have had specific taxable events occur. Examples of delayed information include:

  • Income reallocation related to mutual funds, real estate investment, unit investment, grantor and royalty trusts, as well as holding company depositary receipts.

  • Processing of original issue discount and mortgage-backed bonds.

  • Expected cost basis adjustments including, but not limited to, accounts holding certain types of fixed income securities and options.

If you do have a delayed Form 1099, we may be able to generate a preliminary statement for you for informational purposes only, as the form is subject to change.

Amended Form 1099s

Even after delaying your Form 1099, please be aware that adjustments to your Form 1099 are still possible. Raymond James is required by the IRS to produce an amended Form 1099 if notice of such an adjustment is received after the original Form 1099 has been produced. There is no cutoff or deadline for amended Form 1099 statements. The following are some examples of reasons for amended Form 1099s:

  • Income reallocation.

  • Adjustments to cost basis (due to the Economic Stabilization Act of 2008).

  • Changes made by mutual fund companies related to foreign withholding.

  • Tax-exempt payments subject to alternative minimum tax.

  • Any portion of distributions derived from U.S. Treasury obligations.

What Can You Do?

You should consider talking to your tax professional about whether it makes sense to file an extension with the IRS to give you additional time to file your tax return, particularly if you held any of the aforementioned securities during 2023.

If you receive an amended Form 1099 after you have already filed your tax return, you should consult with your tax professional about the requirements to re-file based on your individual tax circumstances.

You can find additional information here.

And Don’t Forget…

As you complete your taxes for this year, a copy of your tax return is one of the most powerful financial planning information tools we have. Whenever possible, we request that you send a copy of your return to your financial planner, associate financial planner, or client service associate upon filing. Thank you for your assistance in providing this information, which enhances our services to you.

We hope you find this additional information helpful. Please call us if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming tax season.

Andrew O’Laughlin, CFP®, MBA; is a Senior Client Service Manager at Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® He has the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification.

Please note, changes in tax laws or regulations may occur at any time and could substantially impact your situation. Raymond James financial advisors do not render advice on tax or legal matters. You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.
